May 19, 2005

Good news!

I am getting enough money for the car that I should be able to replace it with a fairly decent model. Yay!

In other news, I went on my annual Mud Run last night. My Mud Run is where I go out running with the purpose of getting dirty, so I can come home and have a super hot shower and clean up. It was so rainy and dreary most of yesterday that I thought it would be the perfect day, but by the time I got a chance to go running, it had turned into a sunny evening. I had to be happy with splashing in the remaining puddles rather than getting DIRTY. I guess I can suffer...though, I might just have to take advantage of the next time it is nasty out :o)

May 17, 2005

Car update

The car is a total loss. Now I have to wait for SGI to determine the market value and cut me a cheque. I was really hoping that the car was fixable. This is turning into a pretty big hassle.

May 12, 2005

Feeling better

It is funny how a day of mellowing out can really make me feel better. I didn't do a heck of a lot on the thesis yesterday, but I really wasn't in any sort of mindset to do much of anything. I am still waiting on insurance to get back to me so we can get that stuff moving.

Today I feel raring to go on it, which is nice. I think I might try out the campus gym today to work up a sweat. And tonight, I am gonna try and make some light changes while watching the season finale of The Apprentice. Oh, someone cure me of my addiction to certain reality TV shows!

Well, back to work :o)

May 11, 2005

2 cars and counting...

I got into a car accident yesterday evening. I am okay and they are okay, but the cars are not okay. It looks like I will be back with SGI again. I am just hoping that my car can be fixed, rather than having yet another write off. Well, I had better get back to work.

May 10, 2005

T-51 days and counting...

I handed in a draft of ch 3 to my supervisor today. She seemed pleased. I was pleased to quit working on the sucker. My brain is now dragging to get to ch 4, the Connie chapter. I could really use a boost on that one. I think I will tackle the overall structure first, to make it parallel with ch 3, then start looking where I need to fill-in-the-blanks in my argument. If I make some of these global changes to the draft today, then tomorrow can be an intensive editing day. Hmmmm... maybe I should watch my Connie tape tonight, so I am still working on my thesis a bit, but it is really light work. That will help prevent that nasty brain fog I had last week. Sounds like a good plan to me.

Back to work!

May 09, 2005

T-52 days and counting

It is funny how when you have an intensive writing project, so many other fun things come up that you want to do. Alas, "no" is now a regular staple in my vocabulary, but only to the fun stuff. I am beginning to wonder if the countdown is for when the thesis should be done or if it is the day I will finally be rid of this massively annoying project. I am quite excited for the day when I can say, "I have no thesis work to do!" I think 52 days might be a bit short though, that doesn't count the committee revisions, the defence, the binding, or all the paperwork that needs to go to grad studies (well, not that much, but it is there).

At least I will have half a summer :o)

Well, back to work!

May 05, 2005

T-56 days and counting

I woke up yesterday with a fog over my brain. I didn't feel like I could be productive at all. It think that was a sign to change my work habits a bit. Thirteen hour days of intensive editing give me hangovers, so I am going to balance the intensive nose-to-the-page editing with some lighter tasks so that I don't get sidetracked.

I wrapped up my work at SIAST yesterday as well, though there may still be some more marking trickling in by Friday. Teaching at that college was a great learning experience, and I might even consider doing it again if I have time in my workload next year. I am a little freaked at the prospect of next year, but I will worry about that after the defence.

Back to work!

May 03, 2005

All by myself

The university is one lonely place once May hits. I am here working on the thesis (t-58 days and counting) and there is barely a soul around. Not a single colleague to commiserate with. I guess that means I will just have to work.

Speaking of work... here is a little article I found quite inspiring for some strange reason:

Lucas forced himself to write Episode III

Hollywood mogul George Lucas struggled so much with writing the screenplay for final Star Wars installment Episode III - Revenge of the Sith, he had to force himself to stick to a rigid working day as he sought inspiration. The hugely successful movie-maker, 60, took on the persona of a normal office worker as he sat at his desk for nine hours a day, five days a week - and he still only managed to produce five pages everyday. He says: "I am very diligent about writing. I go to work at 8.30am and leave at 6pm. I sit there with that page in front of me but I still can't write it. "I do get it done, I actually write five pages a day. But I force myself - otherwise I would probably write a page a day."

I am not a big George Lucas fan, but it is nice to know that some of the most successful people in the world have similar writing struggles.