November 29, 2004


Call me a girl, but I love French Kitty. I was given one of the books and I think it is the cutest thing ever. When I have a bit of extra money I might just have to order a shirt and some stickers :o)

As for work, I have been plugging away all day at Chapter 2 again and I think I might have it just about under control. I can't wait to have it done so I can concentrate on polishing my analysis chapters. I see a faint light far off there... could that be the end of the tunnel? Well, I still have work to do, so I better get back at it.

Oooo... and I get to meet her at the gym this evening for step class. That will be fun :o)

November 22, 2004

Writer's Block

It is not that I am actually experiencing writer's block, but I was sent this link and I kinda like it. I think there are some good ideas to get me through those times when I stare blankly at the computer screen with nothing going on between my ears except the whistling of the wind. My favourite is "Talk to a Monkey"

November 11, 2004


I have been working pretty hard on the thesis lately... including a few more of those 15 hour days. I submitted Ch 4 on Monday, it isn't really great, but it is definitely moving forward. I want to get an improved (though not perfect) draft of Ch 5 in this Monday. I am even nearing a state of completion on Ch 2... it is about time.

Also, I am back participating in Persian Dance. I am performing November 14th at the 40th Anniversary Multicultural Showcase, held at Castle Theatre at Aden Bowman Collegiate. That should be a lot of fun too. The show starts at 7pm and tickets are $10 at the door if anyone wants to see the show.

Oh, and here are the much anticipated photos from Cati and Kurt's wedding reception that happened at the beginning of October.

Other than that I am just trying to stay on top of my marking and thesis work, while getting ready for Christmas. Eeek!