I was teaching my class as usual today, when I looked down at the floor and saw a huge mouse scampering across the front of the class. I have to say, normally while I teach very little phases me, but this mouse freaked me right out. According to my students, I stopped dead in my sentence, squeaked, and stared at the floor. The thing was massive! It was about 3/4s the size of my computer mouse and for the fuzzy kind, that is pretty damn big. As soon as my students saw what I was staring out, about 6 of them started to try and catch the mouse, while I squealed at the front of the class. It was a circus in there for 5 minutes. Once the mouse escaped, I got them back in their seats and continued, albeit a bit shaken. I can't believe how much of a girl I was about the whole thing.
Now to do this to my students...

Okay, soon it will be done right back to me on my thesis, so I should try and be nice.