October 23, 2006

Bedtime blogging

Why is it that I rarely get the urge to blog until the time I really should be nestled in bed reading some tres fun novel before drifting off into dreamland? Instead I decide that now is the perfect time to post my thoughts. Not that there is really much of a point since my irregular blogging habit has resulted in a myriad of disgruntled readers who probably don't even look here anymore. Sorry everyone. I am a disappointment as a blogger.

I am a bit amazed with my life right now. As average and boring it is, I am pretty pleased with it. My temp job is a blast and I work with some great people. I have been out and about catching up with lots of people that I have neglected. I am back at the gym again without an ounce of guilt about doing that instead of writing some crazy long document that somehow qualified me to be called Master (I stil get a kick out of that). I still have no real permanent prospects in the job market, but I am plopping my applications all over the place so someone somewhere will eventually like me enough to hire me. Oh yeah, and there is a pretty conspicuous absence in my life right now... stress rarely makes an appearance, which after the past several years is a nice change. People have actually remarked to me how much happier I look, so I must be doing something right.

Mom and Dad are coming up on the weekend for my convocation ceremony. I skipped my undergrad one, but this one seems a bit more important to me. It still feels like a bit of a hassle and I know the ceremony will be long-winded, but it will be worth it.

September 07, 2006


My defense went really well. Everything for my MA is done. I have a car. I went back to BC to visit family and old friends. I am housesitting in a lovely home. There is little stress in my life right now. I still can't sleep. Go figure.

June 05, 2006

Busy weekend and fun sightings

You know it was a good weekend when you are still recovering on Monday. There was a fantastic Burke-BQ at one of my colleague's homes on Friday night. It was a great time and good to catch up with all my University colleagues. In the theme of the evening I made a Par-rice-dox of Substance salad, which only true rhetoric heads will get the reference.

Then Saturday was a Pimp n' Hoes pub crawl to raise money for some friends of mine's wedding. That also was fun, though I really didn't go as all out on the costume as some others did. I was more of an executive ho. It was a lot of fun, but I think I may have to officially retire from pub crawls because they hurt the following day(s).

Oh oh oh, I have witnessed some fun and interesting things in the last month that I wanted to share.
  • I experienced my very first random high-five, which probably requires some explanation: A complete stranger was walking in the opposite direction from me near the bowl on campus. He looked at me and must have recognized that I just submitted my thesis recently. He raised his hand and asked, "High five?" I said, "Why not?" and slapped his hand. Then we just kept on walking. It just made my day.
  • Not long after that I saw a bird bathing itself in a puddle and just stopped and marvelled at it for a while.
  • One morning, Carla and I were out for a walk and saw a hot air balloon being filled and then on our way back saw it being launched. There is just something magical and romantic about hot air balloons. I don't know what it is, but they just make me smile.
  • Last week, I was just knocking on someone's door and I saw some guy riding a large unicycle down the street. It was just odd and wonderful randomness.
  • Today, sitting in an office at SIAST, a robin was sitting on a branch of a tree just by my window and watching me like I was an odd little creature in the zoo. It watched me for a good 5 minutes before flying away. Who knew I was so fascinating to birds?

Somehow it all feels like I am living in a happy quirky little movie, where the director pops in something weird and wonderful just to see if anyone notices. I kinda like it :o)

May 05, 2006

I'm back...

After a 2 month hiatus from my blog, much writing, marking, and general academic writhing I have one word to say if my poor beaten brain can remember it...







Oh yeah... SUBMITTED!!

Now to prep a defence talk whilst I wait for the verdict from my supervisor, and then the committee. Le eek.

Why do I feel like I was just run over by a train though?

So, soon I am going to have to change my subtitle of my blog because I will soon be without thesis, and, for those of you who don't know, I am without my cat. I had to put her down last week, which was quite unexpected. I am doing much better this week but last week was quite the trial. I am going to miss Myrah more than my thesis though. This has been quite the term.

March 07, 2006

Adventures in teaching

I was teaching my class as usual today, when I looked down at the floor and saw a huge mouse scampering across the front of the class. I have to say, normally while I teach very little phases me, but this mouse freaked me right out. According to my students, I stopped dead in my sentence, squeaked, and stared at the floor. The thing was massive! It was about 3/4s the size of my computer mouse and for the fuzzy kind, that is pretty damn big. As soon as my students saw what I was staring out, about 6 of them started to try and catch the mouse, while I squealed at the front of the class. It was a circus in there for 5 minutes. Once the mouse escaped, I got them back in their seats and continued, albeit a bit shaken. I can't believe how much of a girl I was about the whole thing.

Now to do this to my students...

Okay, soon it will be done right back to me on my thesis, so I should try and be nice.

March 04, 2006

Public Nakedness

No, not me. Sheesh you guys.

So last night, after a night of beer and fun at one of our favourite establishments, we stuck around after close for an additional drink with the staff. Behind us was another table of regulars who were allowed the after hours privilage as well. We were chatting and having a good time when we hear this roar of cheers from behind us. It turns out some guy decided that he was going to strip in the middle of the place and there he was standing in his birthday suit. Apparently the guy decided to do it because it "just seemed like fun at the time." It took me a minute to realize that yes he was indeed naked. He just stood there with his pants around his ankles for about 5 minutes bantering back and forth with his table of friends before deciding that clothes might again be a good idea. And to think, I was going to go to the Drag Show at Louis' instead.

February 27, 2006

What a weekend...

I had an interesting weekend. Between sushi making and Memoirs of a Geisha with her, a super late night out on the town with my girl who just came home from Las Vegas, and a day full of packing, cleaning and moving at a colleague's house, I really haven't had time to do much sleeping, though I still snuck in some work believe it or not. Fortunately, it was a fun weekend.

After all the moving we did yesterday, I did wake up today with a cranky back, which scared me a little remembering how I re-aggravated an old injury a couple of summers ago. I couldn't even move without help for a couple of days then, and I didn't really have to be anywhere at the time. I couldn't imagine what would happen if I was in the same state now in the middle of term. Thankfully, I didn't do that again, but I am taking no chances. Tonight is an epsom salt bath and then off to bed with me.

February 19, 2006

So tired, but in a good way...

Jo and Steve's wedding went off smashingly well and now I am paying the price. Everyone looked great and had a blast, and I am absolutely wiped right now. My feet are so sore from all the dancing last night and my voice is nearly gone from all the singing we did on the dance floor. Everyone there was talking about how this was probably the most fun they had ever had at a reception, and I agree. I am so happy I got to be a part of it.

Today we still had to get up early for the gift opening and to clean up the rest of the hall after minimal sleep... I got home around 3am and took another half hour to remove all the pins from my complicated but well-complimented up do before I could get to bed. Now that everything with the wedding is all done, I am home and trying to get motivated to do work, but all I want to do is nap. Maybe instead I will have a nice hot bubble bath, sip some tea, and go to bed obscenely early tonight and start fresh and rested for tomorrow.

More Vegas pictures will be coming again soon, for those who are interested.

February 07, 2006

My cat is out to get me!

My cat is a freak. I was getting ready to head to the college to teach yesterday morning and Myrah decides to hide in the bathroom. I always shut the door when I leave the bathroom to prevent her from getting in there, but sometimes she is cleverly hidden behind the toilet and I don't see her. When I realized she had been locked in there it was an hour later and she had left a mess... including relieving herself in my zen garden which has rocks and candles and lovely white sand that resembles kitty litter. That did not make me a happy pet owner. I think she is trying to torment me.

She also likes to wait until I turn off the lights to go to sleep then she will start wailing at the closet like her life depends on her getting in there. Between that and playing jungle kitty, where she hides under my bed and waits for me to walk by so she can slice and dice my feet with her claws, I am beginning to feel unwelcome in my own apartment.

I love my cat. I love my cat. I love my cat.

February 03, 2006

Las Vegas 3: The Valley of Fire

Between teaching, marking, writing, and organizing a bridal shower, this week hasn't left me much time for posting these photos. This batch have some of my favourite photos of the whole bunch. I love the red ragged rocks and the little bits of greenery that get scattered throughout. I remember the day felt like an adventure. It was a welcome change from the Las Vegas strip. I went so camera happy that day that posting the photos from one day will need to happen in two sessions. I think she possessed me that day as I found myself looking at the scenery from a desire to see art in nature. I think that might be a sign that I need to purge my creative urges and paint something very soon. Right after I finish that thesis thingy. ~sigh~

Back to the photos, they are here if you are interested. These are my favourites of the day.

Cassandra and Courteny love to pose. Don't let the lack of hair fool you, these are my nieces :o)

One of the very cool rock formations, elephant rock.

I felt like I was channelling a Carla vibe that day. I don't know if she will think so though :o)

Next time, part 2 of The Valley of Fire: Mouse's Tank...

January 26, 2006

Las Vegas: The Sequel

Here is the second installment of Vegas photos. This batch features getting shelled at M&M World store, the habitat at the Flamingo Hotel, and the car show at the Imperial Palace.

Next time I will put up the photos from our day at the Valley of Fire.

January 25, 2006

What a gorgeous day today!

When I was heading out to SIAST today, I was absolutely stunned at how unseasonably warm and sunny it is today. It feels more like spring. For the first time in months I have all my windows wide open. I love the fresh air. I know it won't last, but I will take it where I can get it.

Back to work...

January 23, 2006

First installment of Vegas photos are up!

This may take me a while to do, but here is the first bunch.

Watch for future installments. In the meantime, I am going to hope that when I wake up in the morning, a Conservative minority government was just a bad dream.

Hello again

I must hang my head in shame for not maintaining my blog more regularly. As you can probably notice, besides the lack of posts, most of my graphics are non-existant, which is the result of the their host site being closed because I haven't visited it enough. I am going to have to fix all this eventually.

I have to put up all my photos from my trip to Las Vegas over Christmas. Apparently I took 198 of them! Who knew I could be so camera happy? Getting them all up may take a while, which is probably why I procrastinated on putting them up for 3 weeks.

Well, I am off to do some work before the election coverage starts. I did my civic duty today, did you do yours?