Over the last month, I have been in the process of getting a crown on one of my back teeth. This same tooth has had an internal cavity filled when I was a child, a root canal done when I was 12, and has been cracked for 6 years and needing this crown. I didn't know what kind of a rigamorole this was going to be. By the time I am finished with the process (next Monday hopefully) I will have spent more time in the dentist chair in just over a month than I have in the past 4 years combined.
The most frustrating part is living with a temporary tooth while waiting for the permanent tooth to be ready. Monday the temporary popped off while I was eating a Halloween-sized Oh Henry bar. Damn nugat! So that afternoon, I went back to the College of Dentistry to get it glued on again. Then Tuesday night the stupid thing popped off again during dinner. I had to pawn a piece of gum off of someone to temporarily adhere my temporary back in my mouth again. So it is back to the dentist's office again with me this afternoon. I can think of a billion ways I would rather spend my time. Strangely enough, marking is one of them.