I have to confess that I am addicted to only one reality show right now (crosses fingers that this doesn't change when the new fall line up comes out). It is Rock Star INXS. VOTE FOR SUZIE! There. Now my loserdom has been revealed to all. I will hang my head in shame just as soon as the season is over.
Anyhow, while browsing for spoilers on Television Without Pity I came across another fasinating musical distraction The Truck Driver's Gear Change Hall Of Shame. Here is their description of what this musical device is and does:
Many writers and arrangers feel that when their song is in risk of getting a bit tired, it can be given a fresh lease of life by shifting the whole song up a key, usually in between choruses, towards the beginning of a "repeat-till-fade" section. You may have heard this technique informally referred to as "modulation", but the correct ethnomusicological term for the phenomenon is the truck driver's gear change. This reflects the utterly predictable and laboured nature of the transition, evoking a tired and over-worked trucker ramming the gearstick into the new position with his – or, to be fair, her – fist.
Contrary to what many people seem to think, the truck driver's gear change is in no way inventive, interesting or acceptable: it is in fact an utterly appalling and unimaginative admission that you've run out of inspiration and the song should have ended one minute ago; but you're under pressure to make something which can be stretched out to the length of a single.
I find this site and the sample snipets hilarious, but I think I may find myself unconciously listening for the gear shift in all music. I may have ruined some of my favourite cheesy tunes forever.
August 29, 2005
August 27, 2005
New Pants!
I lurve the lady who does my nails! She was cleaning out her closets and because I am one of her favourite clients and about the same size, she gave me 4 pairs of jeans, a pair of PINK cords, and a cute skirt and shirt outfit. They are so comfy and in great condition. I can't wait to wear them all. Hooray for cheap as free clothes!!
August 18, 2005
This just seems like a strange result
Woody Allen Your film will be 74% romantic, 37% comedy, 26% complex plot, and a $ 30 million budget. |
Be prepared to have your life story shot entirely in New York City -- though lately Woody's been loving shooting in London. Also, your music soundtrack is all jazz from before 1949. Filmography: Annie Hall, Manhattan, Stardust Memories, Everyone Says I Love You, etc. Woody has released one film per year consistently for the past 35 years. For the past 15 years he's been trying to make films like his older, funnier ones, just like characters in his Stardust Memories film suggest throughout. Regardless of his personal life (btw, his current wife was never *his* daughter), his films are American classics. |
Link: The Director Who Films Your Life Test written by bingomosquito on Ok Cupid |
August 15, 2005
More photos
I put pictures up on my Photo page from some of the things that have been going on a while back like my birthday dinner...

And a luxurious evening at home...
And a luxurious evening at home...
August 14, 2005
I love audiobooks
I just finished listening to Stephen King's The Green Mile on audiobook tonight. I have always loved audiobooks since my Dad introduced me to them when I was in my midteens. He would go away on business trips and always had a good mystery or two to pass the time on the same stretch of highway he often travelled. When he would get back, I would snag the tapes and listen to them in my room for hours while I did mindless chores like folding clothes and organizing papers. I still like to do that. I like to read a good book now and then, but sometimes nothing beats having someone else read you a story :o)
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