I feel like I should have the Mission Impossible theme song running in the background now.
Here is the plan... 6 chapters to write, 2 seasons yet to watch, 2 videos to compile, 1 defence, 1 up-coming conference, 1 scholarly report to peers, 5 months (well, give or take anyhow), 1 grad class taking, 1 undergrad class teaching (Oh, my students should not be reading this. If you are a student of mine and reading this, stop, get out your textbook and read Bitzer and Booth again, you can never read those articles too many times). Okay, that really isn't much of a plan, more like a jumble of things I need to get done.
How about I limit this just to the thesis before I overwhelm myself.
Where am I now?
Ch 1 (Intro) - rough rough draft, about 12 pages total, needs a heavy overhaul
Ch 2 (Lit Survey) - been overhauled quite a bit, 12 pages?, still work to do but closer to done than most
Ch 3 (T2Ams) - written and presented at a conference, 18 pages, too long and needs to be honed once Ch 1 & 2 are done
Ch 4 (Connie) - working on right now as a part of a course, 8 pages right now, will be well underway soon
Ch 5 (Misc Themes) - not even started, no outline, no nothing... but I want it to be the paper for this term's grad class
Ch 6 (Conc) - same vacuous hole that is Ch 5... not gonna think about until the rest of the thesis is in much better shape
Where do I want to be? I guess by the end of today, I want to have Ch 4 nearly on 12 pages and a whole lot less rough than it is now. Ideally I want it finished for Tuesday for supervisor perusal (well, actually ideally would have been along time ago now, but we are working in the realm of the realistic).
While Ch 4 is waiting for feedback and approval, I want to go back to Ch 2 and finish that one up and get things ready to start writing Ch 5.
So my dates might look like this:
Ch 1 - 1 revision -- Jan 31
Ch 2 - 2 revisions -- Jan 31
Ch 3 - look at in Feb
Ch 4 - draft done -- this week
Ch 5 - outline and 2 pages written -- Jan 31
Ch 6 - start in March
Is this too lofty? Not lofty enough? I guess I will just go with it and see.